Uptime kuma docker compose. Create a directory called uptime-kuma-data.
Uptime kuma docker compose yml project makes it really simple to deploy a self hosted uptime monitoring system with Uptime Kuma and Caddy as a reverse proxy with TLS support. yml để cấp quyền truy cập vào dịch vụ Docker cho Uptime Kuma. Verify that the Uptime Kuma container is running successfully: docker ps Configuring and Start by creating a folder for Uptime Kuma then, in it, create a file named ‘docker-compose. Ok, so?! Well, many of you surely know sites used to check if a site/service is up or down, like: And many others. Here is a step-by-step guide: Create a Docker-Compose file. yml file Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Python, Postgres, Redis, A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. This setup is designed for ease of deployment, scalability, and efficient tracking of system health Uptime Kuma is an open-source status monitoring solution that allows you to track the availability and performance of your web services. service; Check if the service is running using sudo systemctl status snap. Before diving in, ensure you have the following: Docker and Docker Compose Learn how to install and configure Uptime Kuma, a self-hosted uptime monitoring tool, using Docker Compose. " We take a look at Uptime Kuma, an open-source, self-hosted monitoring tool for websites, APIs, and services. yml I have two options to define the Timezone inside a Container: Using Environment Variables environment: TZ: " America Docker-compose Uptime-kuma example. 20. 3 The issue occurs because each container is trying to bind to the same port (8080), but Docker Compose cannot allocate the same port to multiple containers. " It monitors your websites, services, and applications and provides uptime notifications. The Overflow Blog Our next phase—Q&A was just the beginning “Translation is the tip of the iceberg”: A deep dive into specialty models. The -d flag runs the container in the background (detached mode). yml. Update uptime-kuma Add a new Docker host and choose TCP as the option. yml file ready, it’s time to deploy Uptime Kuma. This is the docker-compose i use for Uptime kuma. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Aside from the excellent features of the open-source solution, it is also easy to install and can run as a Docker container; it takes only a few seconds to get up and running with Uptime Kuma. Before you can monitor TLS certificates, you need to set up Uptime Kuma. If you want to manage your container with docker-compose only, the answer may be yes. Launch Uptime Kuma using Docker Compose: docker-compose up -d. Installing and setting up Uptime Kuma is a simple process thanks to some additional software we can utilize. One of the recommended ways to deploy Uptime Kuma is to use Docker containers, as they allow for easy installation, scaling, and management. yml file mkdir -p ~/ngynx-proxy-mananger cd ngynx-proxy-mananger/ nano docker-compose. Docker container installation and update. CentOS 系统服务器(推荐腾讯云服务器) SSH 工具(推荐 FinalShell) 注意. It also includes Ntfy for push notifications to your phone, and email notifications. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Step 2) Install Docker Compose and Uptime Kuma. Here’s an example of a docker-compose. In this guide, I’ll show you how to deploy Uptime Kuma using Docker and Docker Compose. Docker Compose Configuration for Uptime Kuma¶ This Docker Restart the service using sudo systemctl restart snap. In this guide, we'll go through the process of deploying Uptime Kuma on a Docker Swarm cluster using a highly available configuration. A server or VM to host Uptime Kuma (Docker is recommended for ease of setup). Uptime Kuma is a fancy self-hosted monitoring tool. on my NAS I'm running Uptime-kuma in a container therefore I don't think it can see "/var/run/docker. Installation Steps. Setting up the Uptime Kuma Docker Compose File. yml file Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Python, Postgres, Redis, Something went wrong! We've logged this error and will review it as soon as we can. yml file Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Python, Postgres, Redis, So, uptime kuma container has the name ix-uptime-kuma-uptime-kuma-1. With your docker-compose. 7. 准备. yml file Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Python, Postgres, Redis, The Docker Compose File The following is the Docker Compose file for the Uptime-Kuma service: Introduction Uptime-Kuma is an open-source, self-hosted website monitoring tool. Follow the steps to create a deployment file, run the container, and access the web UI to track your Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring solution that provides insights into the status of your websites, services, and servers. The format is like this: Docker Compose Uptime Kuma Raw. Now we will create docker Cómo instalar Uptime-kuma usando Docker compose. In docker-compose. . 16 --force # Giám sát dịch vụ Docker . yml at A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. Admin User Setup Data Persistence. Thus I can execute an interactive bash command using: root@titan[~]# docker exec -it ix-uptime-kuma-uptime-kuma-1 bash root@39389c07227f:/app# You can exec commands directly using the container name, without having to go via docker compose. org' with your domain. docker. In this example, we’ll use /opt/uptimekuma Note that at the moment UptimeKuma only supports one user, so if you need multiple users, you need to create multiple instances of Uptime-Kuma. Mình cần phải chỉnh sửa lại file docker-compose. Start Uptime Kuma with: docker-compose up -d. Here’s a quick guide to get you started: Prerequisites. Insert the above content and save the file. env in the root directory. It provides a web-based dashboard where you can monitor the status of your services, get alerts, and view historical uptime data. To run it behind traefik with LetsEncrypt certificates, we just need to change it to the following /usr/docker A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. I have also bound the docker socket to the container so that it can monitor the status of other containers on the virtual machine. Configuring Uptime Kuma: First, we need to head to the Uptime Kuma's admin This section will show you how to install the Uptime Kuma software to the Raspberry Pi. Docker and Docker Compose installed on your server. Installing Uptime Kuma Obtaining Docker and Docker Compose. However, we'll be specifically using Docker Compose, which will allow How to Install Uptime Kuma with Docker Compose. Thanks to the use of docker, installing a running instance of UptimeKuma is simplified : Step 1 — Create the environment. 3' services: uptime-kuma: restart: always ports: - '3001:3001' environment: - PUID=1000 A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. yml file Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Python, Postgres, Redis, Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring tool that allows you to keep track of your websites, services, or APIs with ease. Then start the container: docker-compose up -d Functions of Uptime Kuma A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. yml file that causes the issue: A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. Create a docker-compose. If you run Uptime Kuma using Docker-Compose and don't already have a reverse proxy, this is a simple way to configure Caddy. Install and Configure Docker, Docker Compose, In this guide, we will explore how to deploy a complete monitoring stack using Docker Compose. yml for the container:. General. example. Learn One of the biggest advantages of Uptime Kuma is that comes with a robust notification system by default. ⚠️ If file permission is not set Docker container installation and update. Install Docker Compose. We now need to configure our Uptime Kuma to start using it. First, fetch the GPG signing key for the This guide covers setups for Uptime Kuma and Windmill, with step-by-step examples and tips for Docker users to simplify infrastructure and improve and docker compose is perfect for this sort setup. /uptime-kuma:/app/data ports $ docker-compose --version Docker Compose version v2. mkdir uptime-kuma-data. version: '3. Installing Uptime Kuma with Docker 🐳. yml’: mkdir uptimekuma cd uptimekuma nano docker-compose. yml file Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Python, Postgres, Redis, version: '3. service; The service should be running as usual, showing the docker snap service. dockerd. If you still need to manage something like docker networks, single containers, the answer may be no. Clone the Uptime Kuma Repository: Contribute to louislam/uptime-kuma development by creating an account on GitHub. Docker Inspect To Docker Run Did you forget your docker run command This config is based on our previous post Simple uptime-kuma docker-compose setup: Self-hosted UptimeRobot alternative and our Traefik configuration with Cloudflare wildcard certs (see Simple Traefik docker-compose setup with Lets Encrypt Cloudflare DNS-01 & TLS-ALPN-01 & HTTP-01 challenges) docker; nginx; docker-compose; uptime-kuma; or ask your own question. We will now need to write the compose file for our Docker stack. Trustworthy expert guide to your Synology NAS. 0-beta. Create a directory called uptime-kuma-data. Aside from the excellent features of the open-source solution, it is also easy to install and can run as a Docker container; it takes only a few seconds to get up and running with Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring tool similar to "Uptime Robot. Docker Compose lacks built-in load balancing for service ports, which leads to a conflict when replicas attempt to use the same port. You signed out in another tab or window. Docker allows you to containerize applications, making shipping and deploying them much easier. Uptime Kuma 是一款开源自托管的轻量级监控工具,拥有简洁美观的界面和丰富的告警方式。. It allows you to keep track of the uptime, downtime, and response times of your applications. If this keeps happening, please file a support ticket with the below ID. **with Docker-compose. There is A LOT ways to configure networking. The marketplace contains images that are already built with the intended software already installed. yml: version: ' 3. [mydomain]' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'. docker-compose logs -f To stop Uptime Kuma, you can run: docker-compose down Deploying Uptime Kuma on Linode. Ensure that the docker-compose. yml file Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Python, Postgres, Redis, Docker media and home server stack with Docker Compose, Traefik, Swarm Mode, Google OAuth2/Authelia, and LetsEncrypt - docker-traefik/compose/hs/uptime-kuma. yml DIRECTORY> " docker compose pull docker compose up -d --force-recreate 🆙 💪🏻 Non-Docker cd < uptime-kuma-directory > # Update from git git fetch --all git checkout 1. yml file with the following content: A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. 本文可选步骤涉及 docker 和 docker-compose 或 1Panel面板的安装。 The easiest way to test Uptime Kuma is running it locally on your own device by creating a new Docker Compose file and pasting the following content into it: This Docker Compose file simply uses the official Uptime Kuma image, maps the port to 1337 , and uses a shared folder to save the data folder from Uptime Kuma. Learn how to set up Uptime Kuma, a self-hosted monitoring tool, with Docker Compose. Create a Docker Compose File for Uptime Kuma: Setting Up Uptime Kuma. 0 Step 3: Running Kuma Uptime Using Docker. 23. 1 container_name: uptime-kuma restart: always volumes: - . yml file, Uptime Kuma’s data is stored outside the container in the uptime-kuma-data volume. Follow the step-by-step instructions and the docker A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool. Next, create a YAML file let’s say: docker-compose. All reactions. Uptime-kuma is a graphically beautiful and easy to use monitoring solution that can be deployed via Docker. 3 ' services: uptime-kuma: image: For npm + uptime-kuma you could have own network and set static IP to npm. This Writing a Docker Compose File for Uptime Kuma. To write this file on our device, we will be using Nano, but you can use whatever editor you feel comfortable with. Step 4: Deploy Uptime Kuma Using Docker Compose (Recommended) For better management, we can use Docker Compose. See more Uptime Kuma is an easy-to-use self-hosted monitoring tool. Featured on Meta bigbird and Frog have We have successfully installed the Uptime Kuma instance on our Home Lab. The tools we will set up are Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager, and Uptime Kuma — each offering key features for monitoring and alerting within your infrastructure. Step 4: Access and Configure Uptime Kuma. I don't think you experience a bug rather misconfiguration. (1. Step 2: use this docker-compose file that will make available Uptime Kuma service on the NGINX network docker run -d --restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1 In the above Docker run command, the restart policy is set to always, and the external port 3001 is translated to the internal port 3001 of the container. yml In the docker compose file, we forward port 3001 (Webpage) and create a volume for the app data: Step by step guide for installing Uptime Kuma on your Synology NAS device using Docker Compose & Portainer. If you are interested to expose Uptime Kuma to the internet, you will want to run Uptime kuma behind a NGINX proxy. 33. 8" services: uptime-kuma: image: louislam/uptime-kuma:latest container_name: uptime-kuma restart: alway Docker Community Forums Docker errors when trying to deploy Uptime Kuma. #docker #dockercompose #uptimekuma Sit docker-compose. You only need to replace 'status. Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring tool for tracking system uptime, offering real-time alerts, easy setup, multi-site monitoring, and Docker support, ensuring businesses stay operational. Menu. It has a fancy dashboard and is used to monitor the uptime of hosts or This Docker Compose file simply uses the official Uptime Kuma image, maps the port to 1337, and uses a shared folder to save the data folder from Uptime Kuma. services: uptime-kuma: image: Step 3: Install Uptime Kuma for Service Monitoring. It can monitor HTTP(s) and TCP endpoints, and can send notifications via Email, Discord, Slack, Telegram, and Webhooks. It can check the uptime and response time of websites, APIs, and other services at regular intervals and alert you if any of them go down. It’s similar to services like UptimeRobot, but it runs locally. 3' services: uptime-kuma: image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1. /etc/uptime-kuma. cd " <YOUR docker-compose. In this article, we’ll guide you through setting up Uptime Uptime Kuma is an open-source self-hosted monitoring tool like an uptime robot written in Nodejs. touch docker-compose. The docker compose file is here (basically the copy/pasted example from their site): version: "3. sock" I just installed the standard version of Uptime-Kuma NOT DOCKER on my LINUX machine and it works. The process I followed for installing Uptime Kuma is as follows: Can you share your container compose config or the command you used to run your container? docker rm uptime-kuma # Default docker run -d --restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1 # If you are not using default value 1 前言. This means that you can set your uptime monitor to automatically send a message through a variety of channels whenever it finds an anomaly. Deploy uptime-kuma(easy-to-use self-hosted monitoring tool) and integrate with prometheus and grafana in Docker - uptime-kuma/docker-compose. Learn how to monitor your services' uptime with Uptime Kuma, an open-source tool, using Docker Compose. I don't need five nines of uptime, blue-green deploys, or horizontal scaling. When launching Uptime Kuma from docker compose, it is not respecting UPTIME_KUMA_DISABLE_FRAME_SAMEORIGIN=1. A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool. If you want to make the process easier and convenient, you can deploy Uptime Kuma on Linode using the marketplace. yml file Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Rootless tags are for users who wants to run Uptime Kuma without root privileges, but some features may not work as expected. Uptime Kuma es una herramienta de monitoreo auto-alojada fácil de usar. I have tried using both 1 and true, but it ignores both, still showing "Refused to display 'https://kuma. 0) For non-Docker users, you can create a new file named . yml This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. The easiest way to configure Uptime Kuma is by using Docker Compose. Now that you have changed to the new directory, we can write the Docker Compose file that will set up and manage Uptime Kuma on our device. Run Docker Compose to pull the Uptime Kuma image and start the container: sudo docker-compose up -d. Known issues: ⚠️ Not recommended for upgrading from v1 to v2. I have modified the docker compose file located in the Uptime Kuma repository to work with Traefik as a reverse proxy. mkdir uptime-kuma cd uptime-kuma nano docker-compose. com in your browser. Uptime Kuma is an open-source, self-hosted monitoring tool that provides a beautiful dashboard to track uptime and response time for your websites, APIs, and services. Error ID My personal knowledgebase. 8' services: app: Step 06 : installing Uptime Kuma. YOUR/DATA/DIR is where you want your data to be stored eg. Background. Uptime Kuma còn có thể giám sát hoạt động của Docker trên cùng máy chủ. yml # Put the following basic configuration version: '3. yml file is correctly configured and create the data directory: mkdir data Running Docker Compose to Deploy Uptime Kuma. Once Uptime Kuma is running, you can access it by navigating to https://your-domain. 4. Contribute to louislam/uptime-kuma development by creating an account on GitHub. You'll be prompted to set up A free docker run to docker-compose generator, Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Python, Postgres, Redis, Jenkins Traefik. yml at master · azita While Dockge is currently only focusing on docker-compose with a better user interface and better user experience. Thanks to the volume configuration in the docker-compose. A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. It doesn’t matter which device you’re using and can configure this on something like Portainer, Synology’s Container Manager, or even just through the CLI with Docker Compose. Home; About Me; Blog; Contact; Surveillance; RT6600ax; DS1621xs+ Docker; My previous guide for Uptime Kuma involved the use of Task Scheduler. yml A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. Reload to refresh your session. yml file Docker Hub for louislam/uptime-kuma Raw Try On Play-With-Docker! WGET: History Examples PHP+Apache, MariaDB, Python, Postgres, Redis, Usage: kuma [OPTIONS] [COMMAND] Commands: monitor Manage Monitors notification Manage Notifications tag Manage Tags maintenanc Manage Maintenances help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) Options: --url < URL > The URL AutoKuma should use to connect to Uptime Kuma --username < USERNAME > The username for For uptime-kuma, the authors provide a docker-compose file that works out of the box. Fortunately, this is extremely easy using docker-compose. Learn how to monitor your service uptime with Uptime Kuma, an open-source and free self-hosted tool. mkdir ~/uptime-kuma. uptime-kuma-docker-compose. The application has good online documentation regarding setup and configuration, but none of the included instructions allowed for installation with a self-signed certificate for internal use. docker You signed in with another tab or window. Docker Compose will automatically download the Uptime Kuma image, create the container, and start it. It also has a beautiful dashboard that can be customized to Configuring the Docker Compose File. We also configure a persistent volume mount for the container using the "-v #Creating a dir and editing the docker-compose. Modify the script below to point the volume to a location on In this walk through, I’m going to cover all the configuration of the services on your Docker host to allow Uptime-Kuma to connect externally to the system and then walk you through configuring a monitor of a container for both local or remote. To install Uptime-Kuma using Docker, we will first create a directory to hold all our configurations. I’m trying to reference 2 env files inside a docker compose because the second one is going to be shared with several other compose files and is in a different path I have done this but I can’t get it work I’m using this Uptime Kuma. Uptime Kuma Description. See the Docker Compose file, the key components, and how to access the web interface. Follow the steps to install Uptime Kuma using Docker Compose and monitor your Docker containers with it. Go to the folder and create the docker-compose. Run the Docker Compose file by switching to the folder Docker container installation and update. sudo apt install docker-compose -y. Then cd to uptime-Kuma: cd ~/uptime-kuma. Most of my services live on a dedicated hetzner This docker-compose. VSCode Ad-Hoc, Jupyter-like code "cells" Import/Export VSCode Extensions In order to install Uptime-Kuma, first create a directory for the service to reside in. Follow this steps: Step 1: create your separate NGINX proxy manager docker container instance as covered in this post. Installing Uptime Kuma is easy and is done via Docker. Skip to content. diddiev etzk ngwbfzb fsb lanmdy igap ywntfhh icjc zof lhxxyu jgrpyfq tfju auk zhvshs lybaeoc