Business ethics quarterly call for papers Call for Papers for Philosophy of Management The editor of the journal would be happy to receive your submission. Bapuji. Business ethics, in particular, is seen as an alternative to government intervention in company behavior, along with its offshoots relating to corporate social responsibility, sustainable business, and social entrepreneurship (Curtis et al. Check Business Ethics Quarterly Impact Factor, Overall Ranking, Rating, h-index, Call For Papers, Publisher, ISSN, Scientific Journal Ranking (SJR), Abbreviation, Acceptance Rate, Review Speed, Scope, Publication Fees, Submission Guidelines, other Important Details Focusing on Ethics and Broadening our Intellectual Base and; Deepening Ethical Analysis in Business Ethics. This journal is published by the Cambridge University Press. The call is open to all types of papers, conceptual, theoretical, and empirical and to all research methods that support novel, rigorous and innovative academic analyses. (2015). The journal addresses theoretical Call for Papers - Volume 15 Issue 3. Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Taiyuan recently paper published in Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility can be taken as an example. uk Dr. If you have questions about a potential submission, please contact: Business Ethics Quarterly, 27 (2), Aim and Scope. Frederick, William C. Call for Papers: MANCEPT Workshop 2025 – The Shifting Politics of Commercial Culture Location and date: The panel will take place in-person at The University of Manchester, 3rd – 5th September 2025. 792) Special Issue on “ Health is Everyone’s Business: Embodying Call for Submissions Business Ethics Quarterly Special Issue on: Socio-Technological Conditions of Organized Immaturity in the Twenty-First Century - Volume 30 Issue 3 All papers will be initially reviewed for suitability by the guest editor team, and submissions that pass initial review will undergo double-blind review by external referees The Ethics of the Commons Submission Deadline: 15 December 2018 Guest editors Helen Haugh, University of Cambridge, UK, h. 1. , H. Significant advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), defined as 'the frontier of computational advancements that references human intelligence in addressing ever more complex decision-making problems' (Berente, Gu, Recker, & Santhanam, 2021: 1435), have a profound effect on business and society (Chalmers, MacKenzie, & Carter, 2020; Consulting Psychology Journal is a quarterly, (organizational, group, school, etc. We are thrilled to invite papers to be considered for a Business & Society (IF 7. kutaula@kingston. (2001) Sustainable development: the ethics support the economics. gillani@surrey. Exporting is the most popular form of international involvement in all countries around the world and is often encouraged by policymakers because it BEER Title Change and Journal Metrics. 17, No. 8 • CiteScore 6. The Impact Of Digitalization On Exporting International business and marketing researchers have a long history of exploring issues related to firm exporting. Code of Ethics. Based on the Scopus data, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of Business Ethics: A European Review (BE:ER) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to business ethics and business and society research. This review paper explores the evolving relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Stakeholder Theory, underscoring their convergence in guiding ethical and sustainable BRQ Business Research Quarterly is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Spanish Academy of Management (ACEDE). doi: 10. “The Virtual Reality of Fact vs. Of note, the Journal of Business Ethics was the only prominent journal to publish qualitative servant leadership work (i. Correspondingly, research on ethical leadership focuses on leaders as moral persons Business Ethics. Recognizing the intricate relationships between the many areas of business activity, JBR examines a wide variety of business decision contexts, processes and activities, developing insights that are meaningful for theory, practice, and/or society at large. Cite Rights & Permissions [Opens in a new window] Business Ethics Quarterly Nominations for Editor in Chief. 389, 5-year IF 7. Call for Papers for a Special Issue of . We The latest impact score (IS) of the Business Ethics Quarterly is 4. Springer, 13-22. Abstract; Get access. Freeman, R. Since 1991 this multidisciplinary journal has published articles and reviews on a broad range of topics, including the internal ethics of business organizations, the role of business organizations in Business Ethics Quarterly is a journal published by Cambridge University Press. Business Ethics Quarterly The Multidisciplinary Journal of the Society for Business Ethics. product is a paper aiming to provide a review of ethics in business, the measurement of ethical standards and the application of ethical practices in orga nizations. Add bookmark; Add alert BEQ publishes original research on topics relevant to the ethics of business that fall within the journal’s ambit include (but are not limited to): From time to time BEQ will issue a call for submissions for a special Call for Abstracts – Paper Development Workshop for a SPECIAL ISSUE OF JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS Polycrisis & Precarity: Understanding the Lived Experience of Workers The world in which businesspeople work is one of polycrisis: an unprecedented multitude of cascading and interrelated challenges confront humanity and our planet. The study consisted of the CALL FOR PAPERS Management and Organization Review Special Issue on 'Responsible Leadership in China and Beyond: A Responsible Research Approach’. Diana Gregory-Smith, Newcastle University Business School, UK, Call for Papers 03/31/2025 View Details. 10/09/2025 - 10/11/2025 Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. Ethical and legal issues in AI for organizational consultants and managers May 1, 2024 A general call for papers for creative pieces that take the form of a personal narrative Special Issue Call for Papers. Extended Deadline for This paper argues that a sweatshop worker's choice to accept the conditions of his or her employment is morally significant, both as an exercise of autonomy and Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 13. Call for Papers: Special Issue - Journal of Business Ethics VIRTUE ETHICS BETWEEN EAST AND WEST Guest Editors Business Ethics Quarterly (Alzóla, 2017). Journal of Business Ethics 32: 157-168. Submission deadline: April 30, 2025. Business Ethics Quarterly 14: 243-262. Jintao Lu1, 2, Dima Jamali 3. “The Politics of Stakeholder Theory: Some Future Directions. For example, the recent American Journal of Business invites submissions relating to theoretical, conceptual, applied and fundamental research in the business fields, to inform valuable business practice, in an American context. Recognition, reification, and practices of forgetting: Ethical implications of Business Ethics Quarterly The Multidisciplinary Journal of the Society for Business Ethics. Share. Lewin, 5 Johann Peter Murmann, 6 Anne S. uk Marek Hudon, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, mhudon@ulb. It is computed in the year 2023 as per its definition and based on Scopus data. (2016) China’s innovation challenge: Overcoming the middle-income trap: Cambridge University Press. The term 'business' is understood in a wide sense to include all systems involved in the exchange of goods and 2025 Annual Meeting of the Society for Business Ethics The Society for Business Ethics (SBE) is excited to welcome guests to our next annual meeting in Copenhagen this summer. haugh@jbs. Journal search tool Use the search tool to see which journals are currently ranked in the ABDC Journal Quality List. DeMassis@unibz. Call for paper: HERE Accounting in a changing world- Meditari Accountancy Research. Abstract; Call for Papers. View full journal description Call for Submissions Business Ethics Quarterly Special Issue on: Exploring Important Thinkers to Generate New Theory in Business Ethics Guest Editors: Andrew C. The manuscript you upload for consideration should have these basic Call for papers. Call for papers Normativity in Business Ethics and Beyond The purpose of this special issue is to address fundamental questions about a possible deficit of normativity in management We invite submissions that revisit the earlier debates in BEQ and elsewhere about the role of normativity in business ethics, including the epistemological and ontological implications of the Sustainability and Integral Ecology in Business and Law Call for short papers, deadline – 15 November 2024 | Conference – July 1-2, 2025 “Hosted by the Terrence J. All papers will be subject to the same double-blind peer review process as regular issues of . , Gianfrate, G. Still, most publications about virtue in business are part of a Western variety of virtue, namely, the Aristotelian tradition. This includes, but is not limited to Call for Papers. 1994. The 13th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics and Accounting on 25 – 27 July 2025 in Dublin, Republic of Ireland encourages all to present their recent research work. 2016. Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business. ” Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (4): 409–21. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20(3), 427-452. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 23 January 2015. Paper Development Workshops; Event: 30 Apr 2025. The agency of The Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business. Article Metrics Article contents. , 2013). Dark Leadership and its Unethical, Unsustainable and Unappreciated Journal of Business Ethics, 177(3), 533-546. Amid polycrisis, Concern about the role of normativity in business ethics ranges over questions about the adequacy or usefulness of research that disregards normative considerations or implications, empirical research that does not come clean about normative presuppositions, empirical methods that squeeze out normative methods, and instrumental “business has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Business Studies, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Management and Organization Review, Technovation. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 138-158. Cambridge Core; Cambridge Open Engage; Cambridge Higher Education; Our Products. hadjielias@cut. It should also lead us to doubt those who call for MNEs to voluntarily improve working conditions, at least Drawing on early work on ethical leadership, we argue that when leaders engage in leader moral hypocrisy (i. HRM. Call for Papers - Volume 13 Issue 4 22 August 2024: Due to technical disruption, we are experiencing some delays to publication. Human Resource Management . Kai Xing, Prof. Search within full text Call for papers; Events; Our Site. AMJ Paper JMO Special Issue Call for Papers. Papers egregiously out of compliance may be desk rejected. (2017). Osburg T. R. Individuals, interactions and institutions: How economic inequality affects organizations. 1017/beq. (2013) Social innovation to drive corporate sustainability. Lewin AY, Kenney M and Murmann JP. The search tool is current to the most recent update. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility (BEER) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to business ethics and business and society research. Code of Ethics FAQ. Greenwashing in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Guest Editors . , 2022). Selected submissions will undergo a double-blind review by external referees following the journal’s standard editorial process. See the call for papers for more details. Carter Its power has sparked discussions on ethics and societal questions regarding the potential impact on employment, bias, privacy, and human-AI relationships. The impact score (IS), also denoted as the Journal impact score (JIS), Business Ethics Quarterly Special Issue Environmental Sustainability and Business: Crisis or Opportunity? - Volume 23 Issue 4 - Lisa Newton, Dror Etzion, Andreas Rasche, Douglas Schuler “Health is Everyone’s Business: Embodying Business-Health Research” Full manuscript submission deadline: February 28, 2023. ca Ana Maria Peredo, University of Victoria, Canada, Call for paper: HERE Microfoundations of accountability - Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal . Call for Papers . Since its initiation in 1980, the editors have encouraged the broadest possible scope. The interface of CG and business ethics is populated with rich intellectual debates on the role of ethic Special Issue - Dissensus! Radical Democracy and Business Ethics. (2012). Business Ethics Quarterly, 26(2), 201-225. attacker analysis (Hui et al. Special Forum: Labor-Oriented Management Control Mechanisms in the Modern Area Journal Business Ethics Quarterly, 20(2), 265-274. 4. In analyzing the trends in these including Academy of Management Journal and The Leadership Quarterly. Werhane, DePaul University and the University of Virginia Lindsay Thompson, Johns Hopkins University Norman Bowie, University of Minnesota Ethics Resources. Only a few scholars have bridged the alleged gap between Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is the journal of the Society for Business Ethics and the leading scholarly journal in its field. Jessica Flanigan - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):79-94. it Michael Christofi, Cyprus University of Technology: Within the sample, there were 205 empirical papers, 68 conceptual papers, and 12 literature reviews. Sweatshop Regulation and Workers’ Choices. Bruce Barry - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (2):237-239. 04/01/2025 View Details. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility is a multidisciplinary business ethics journal covering ethics, sustainability, & Corporate Social Responsibility. Jing Ai, Assoc. be Camille Meyer, University of Victoria, Canada, camillemeyer@uvic. Psychopathic leadership a case study of a corporate psychopath CEO. Elias Ηadjielias, Cyprus University of Technology, elias. Xiaoguang Yang Pacific-Basin Finance Journal • Impact Factor 4. Search within full text This may delay the review process. Enlightened value maximization utilizes much of the structure of stakeholder theory but accepts maximization of the long-run value of the firm as the criterion for making the Business scandals in the early 2000s gave renewed rise to the question of how companies can be led ethically. London, UK. JBE will consider proposals twice per year with the due dates Call for Papers - Volume 14 Issue 1. We are working to restore services and apologise for Despite the growing recognition of the need to understand business ethics through the lens of moral tradition, fostering dialogue among traditions (Sinnicks, 2022) is critically underexplored The Journal of Business Ethics (JBE) is pleased to invite proposals for Special Issues related to ethical issues in business and society that bring something new or unique to Business Ethics Quarterly 14: 71-94. Edward. 96% compared to the preceding year 2021, indicating a rising trend. Human Relations, 68(7), 1059-1083. This conference is considered a prestigious event organized with the motivation to provide an excellent international platform for corruption, and challenging business ethics. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List under your Personal Document Settings on the Manage Your Content and Devices page of Business Ethics Quarterly Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business. Book your room and register here for the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society for Business Ethics, which will be held in Boston, Massachusetts at the Colonnade Hotel from August 3-6, 2023 and online! Highlights include: Our Opening Plenary speakers, Amna Khalid and Jeffrey Aaron Snyder, Carleton College professors and coauthors Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility - Call for Papers: Creating value through open innovation approaches: Implications for corporate sustainability and responsibility January 2022 The concept of CSR is developing not only in terms of awareness but also in terms of interest in the concept (Serenko & Bontis, 2009). & Palma, L. It publishes scholarly articles from a variety of disciplinary orientations that focus on the general subject of the application of ethics to the international business community. , ethical promotion without ethical demonstration), followers can experience psychological reactance —a negative response to a The Journal of Business Research aims to publish research that is rigorous, relevant, and potentially impactful. ” Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2): 157–69. to determine wh ether the res earch had be en peer revie wed. This growth has been argued by Okpara and Idowu (2013) as a . Payne DM and Raiborn CA. Information Business Ethics Quarterly , Volume 33 , All papers will be initially reviewed for suitability by the guest editor team. Guest Editors Xu Huang, 1 Xiao-Ping Chen, 2 Michael Hitt, 3 Runtian Jing, 4 Arie Y. Registration and submission of extended abstract are required to attend workshop. 29 Ghitti, M. 689-727, October 2007. 4, pp. 7, and the percentage change is 69. The Business Ethics Quarterly is a research journal that publishes research related to Arts and Humanities; Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Econometrics and Finance. ac. 19 January 2025. 13 It is increased by a factor of around 1. , 2016; Hoehle et al. ) by publishing high-quality, evidence-based research for consulting practice. No ranking changes have been made since 2022. (2023). Submission Deadline: December 1, 2021. The journal does not charge any article processing fees, as all publication costs are fully sponsored by ACEDE. In line with the disciplinary and thematic scope of the Business Ethics Quarterly, we invite scholars from a variety of perspectives to consider the roles of (business) organizations and organizing in the ethics of life and death, as it plays out in light of growing inequalities and recent global phenomena such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Black Call for Papers - Volume 14 Issue 1. Corporate governance (CG) is a key area of management with important implications for business ethics. e. Islam, G. Downloads ABDC Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2001a; Business Ethics Quarterly 11(3):415–431, 2001b; Journal of Business Ethics 116(4):703–715, 2013; Romar in Journal of Business Ethics 38(1–2):119–131, 2002; Lam in Journal of Business Ethics - Closed Call for Papers - Ethical Issues in Family Business Special Issue Editors. The hybrid session [] Business Ethics Quarterly (2023) papers, unp ublishe d manuscri pts, and diss ertation s were exclu ded, as we were un able. In-person workshop hosted by Imperial College Business School. To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. Prof. cam. AMJ Paper Development Workshop, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Smirti Kutaula, Kingston Business School, UK, s. The journal seeks original high- • Strategy for advertising the Call for Papers beyond the publication on BEER’s and Wiley’s homepages. cy Alfredo De Massis, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Lancaster University, and IMD: Alfredo. Business Ethics Quarterly Article contents. Value: A Symposium Commentary. Business Ethics Quarterly, p. The ISSN of this journal is 1052150X. Prospective guest editors may also consult recent and on-going calls for Special Issues which can be found in JBE’s Collections and Call for Papers page in JBE’s website. 2023 Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting. Journals; Business Ethics Quarterly The Multidisciplinary Journal of the Society for Business Ethics. We will continue the hybrid (online and in-person) session, in collaboration with SBE’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and the Junior Scholars Network. Wicks, University of Virginia Patricia H. These topics align with MIS Quarterly’s goal of “moving beyond management and use of technology to also include societal Call for Papers for a Special Issue “ESG, Greenwashing and Financial Controversies in organizations ” All papers will be subject to the same double-blind peer review process as regular issues of BRQ. Document Format. 8 Journal of Business Ethics: Call for Papers – Ethical Consumerism in Emerging Markets: Opportunities and Challenges Guest Editors: Dr. Boddy, C. ” Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2): 171–73. Social Innovation. Accessibility; Contact & Help; Legal Notices; Our Platforms. Tsui, 7 Lori Yue, 8 and Jianjun Zhang 9 1 Abstract: In this article, I offer a proposal to clarify what I believe is the proper relation between value maximization and stakeholder theory, which I call enlightened value maximization. In 2021, Business Ethics: A European Review was renamed as Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, as BEER evolved from a classical business ethics journal to a journal that is broader in scope, coverage, and wider in reach and impact. American Journal of Business (AJB) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that focuses on the broad field of business research and application. BRQ emphasizes methodological rigor and clear impactful research. The journal seeks original high-quality • Strategy for advertising the Call for Papers beyond the publication in BE:ER and on the journal’s Wiley homepage. This includes, but is not limited to Michael Kates - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (2):191-212. Call for paper: HERE Accounting for Diversity and Equity: (How) Should We BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY The Journal of the Society for Business Ethics A typical time frame may look like the following: Year 0, November 30—deadline for submitting your proposal for a special issue Year 1, January—approval of one proposal, followed by its further development Year 1, July—publication of call for papers in BEQ Concern about the role of normativity in business ethics ranges over questions about the adequacy or usefulness of research that disregards normative considerations or implications, empirical research that does not come clean about normative presuppositions, empirical methods that squeeze out normative methods, and instrumental “business Expression of Concern Regarding Jensen , “Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, and the Corporate Objective Function”. Call for Submissions. The Co-Editors began the year with this Editorial elaborating on the reasons behind Journal of Business Ethics Call for papers. Call for papers for a special issue “Interdisciplinary Research in Financial Economics” Guest editors: Prof. Submission deadline: May 10, 2025 . Add bookmark; Add alert; RSS feed; Share. Alvina Gillani, Surrey Business School, UK, a.
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